3rd Forum for Sustainable Development 2022



The Lombardy Region has organized the third edition of the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, the annual appointment that brings together the voices of the Lombard territories and society on the issue of sustainability. This edition has made it possible to give an account of the work carried out during the legislature, to involve the numerous companies that contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda in the area and to take inspiration for the work and vision for the coming years, also thanks to the dialogue with high-profile institutional figures.

Social and economic actors have been engaged alongside the different levels of government, whose collaboration is a key factor in a sustainable development perspective, as well as public and private actors involved in territorial governance.

The Forum was held from 19 to 22 October, and the day of 18 October was dedicated to environmental education. In the days leading up to the Forum (Pre-Forum), various collateral events were held, partly organized by the partners of the Region and above all by the signatories of the Regional Protocol for Sustainable Development.

Institutions have the task of guiding change and giving people the confidence and motivation for the courageous choices that the present time urgently requires. They can do this through a systemic vision based on the involvement of all components of the company and transparency in the reporting of results. The Third Lombard Forum for Sustainable Development will call leading institutional personalities on the international and national scene to outline this vision and express the feeling that animates it.

3 ° Forum Climate Positive Event thanks to the Regional BIOCLIMA Initiative https://www.wownature.eu/aziende/forum-sviluppo-sostenibile/

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